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Service Design Drinks
Next event: Coming soon
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About SDD

The last few years have seen the birth of many companies focused on the provision of intangible services rather than physical products. 


Service Design is making a significant impact globally on changing the business ecosystem. 

Service Design Drinks are open and informal meetups to bring the Service Design community together; happening in Milan, Berlin, Madrid, Beijing, Toronto, Bologna, Stockholm and other corners in the globe. 
Service Design Drinks was missing in India, thus we decided to join in.
Our Mission

The goal of SDD India is to bring people with a service-oriented mindset together and provide a platform for sharing experiences, exploring new tools and expanding knowledge. We are looking forward to connecting startups, industry leaders and students together to democratize service design for building better service ecosystems for the future.

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What we believe?

"Service Design is practiced by any thoughtful creative, not just designers"


Anannya Bhowmik

Co-Founder & Host | Key Sponsor, building relationship, international presence of SDD India.


Pankaj Kumar

Co-founder & Host | Building comminity and collaborating with Universities.


Juneza Niyazi

Knowledge Partner |  Writer, Advocating for Service Design practice in India

Join us!
  • Contact us with an interesting case study at
  • Sponsor & Host us.
  • Be part of our volunteering team.
  • Spread the words around, we are looking forward to service design enthusiasts.

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